10. Invisible by Skylar Grey (D) (P:10)
9. Lighters by Bad Meets Evil feat. Bruno Mars (R) (P:1 For 4 Days)
8. You And I by Lady Gaga (+2) (P:8)
7. She Will by Lil Wayne feat. Drake (+2) (P:7)
6. She Ain’t You by Chris Brown (-1) (P:3)
5. Otis by Jay-Z and Kanye West feat. Otis Redding (+1) (P:5)
4. Far Away by Tyga feat. Chris Richardson (-1) (P:3)
3. Headlines by Drake (+1) (P:1 For 3 Days)
2. Helena Beat by Foster The People (=) (P:1 For 10 Days)
1. Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People (=) (P:1 For 8 Days)
10. She Ain’t You by Chris Brown (-4) (P:3)
9. You And I by Lady Gaga (-1) (P:8)
8. Lighters by Bad Meets Evil feat. Bruno Mars (+1) (P:1 For 4 Days)
7. Invisible by Skylar Grey (+3) (P:7)
6. She Will by Lil Wayne feat. Drake (+1) (P:6)
5. Far Away by Tyga feat. Chris Richardson (-1) (P:3)
4. Otis by Jay-Z and Kanye West feat. Otis Redding (+1) (P:4)
3. Headlines by Drake (=) (P:1 For 3 Days)
2. Helena Beat by Foster The People (=) (P:1 For 10 Days)
1. Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People (=) (P:1 For 9 Days)
Dude, lets go to the Burger King near your house. My buddy owns the place, we can get anything for free!
10. Marvin and Chardonnay by Big Sean feat. Roscoe Dash and Kanye West (D) (P:10)
9. You And I by Lady Gaga (=) (P:8)
8. Far Away by Tyga feat. Chris Richardson (-3) (P:3)
7. Lighters by Bad Meets Evil feat. Bruno Mars (+1) (P:1 For 4 Days)
6. Invisible by Skylar Grey (+1) (P:6)
5. She Will by Lil Wayne feat. Drake (+1) (P:5)
4. Otis by Jay-Z and Kanye West feat. Otis Redding (=) (P:4)
3. Helena Beat by Foster The People (-1) (P:1 For 10 Days)
2. Headlines by Drake (+1) (P:1 For 3 Days)
1. Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People (=) (P:1 For 10 Days)
10. You And I by Lady Gaga (-1) (P:8)
9. Marvin and Chardonnay by Big Sean feat. Roscoe Dash and Kanye West (+1) (P:9)
8. Far Away by Tyga feat. Chris Richardson (=) (P:3)
7. Otis by Jay-Z and Kanye West feat. Otis Redding (-3) (P:4)
6. Invisible by Skylar Grey (=) (P:6)
5. She Will by Lil Wayne feat. Drake (=) (P:5)
4. Lighters by Bad Meets Evil feat. Bruno Mars (+3) (P:1 For 4 Days)
3. Helena Beat by Foster The People (=) (P:1 For 10 Days)
2. Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People (-1) (P:1 For 10 Days)
1. Headlines by Drake (+1) (P:1 For 4 Days)
My buddy fought a lion, and won! Seriously, he kicked that lions ass!