Originally posted by Javan
If gender is a social construct it can't be real science by definition.
The studies that note brain differences an hormonal difference tend to have small sample sizes and still aren't conclusive. And even if it did, correlation does not equal causation. Only experimentation can confirm laws in natural science.
Right. However it's been proven that endocrine disrupting chemicals can change gender due to the effect it has on hormones. It's not only
humans, either. This isn't to say that every trans person is trans because of this, but it is to say that it can disrupt gender.
Another source focusing on BPA in specific:
BPA is contained in plastics. Coincidentally, my mother and my dad worked in a plastic company where they had unsafe exposure to BPA and my mom was pregnant at the time meaning I was in the womb. Now I'm trans.
Side offtopic note about this: This is part of a court case my parents are working on and a lawyer who has won hundreds of millions from court cases before with huge companies thought our case was strong and took it on.
This isn't to mention the proven brain differences in trans people either.