I can't believe how clueless Janelle is about the back door. She doesn't think Dan had anything to do with it & she thinks she can get Dan & Brit's vote. I'm even more shock Joe see right thru Dan but Janelle can't.
Will promise his vote to Janelle yet Joe know he was bull****ting her. I know she isn't the most strategic person but it's clear as day the only reason Danielle vetoed her noms was because she had the votes to get you out that includes Dan! Get it together Janelle.
The house consist of Four alliances
Team T*ts - Wil, Jenn & Ashley
The Silent Six - Dan, Shane, Britney, Boogie, Frank & Danielle
The Quack Pack - Ian, Dan, Shane, Britney & Danielle
The Innertubes - Wil, Joe, Jenn, Ashley & Janelle
Janelle named that allaince now she's apart of it & has no clue
All the F2 Deals
Boogie & Frank (They have a F3 with Dan)
Danielle & Shane