Originally posted by Jay Fenty
Because Taylor is a WASP and Ariana is an olive-skinned Italian.. Ariana is more liked amongst atrl/twitter than Taylor is
Originally posted by igninton
Ariana is not as white as the others.
Her grandparents are Italian and she has darker skin.
Most people probably think she's Latina.
She is not that dark. She looks like a typical Mediterranean/Jewish/Arab girl without her dark makeup and spray painted skin:
Originally posted by igninton
Technically yes, but most of them tend to be darker than the usual white European person and most of the people get it confused. It's just like Latinos, and some countries from the Middle East, they're technically white too but most of the people think each and everyone of them are darker.
The vast majority of Italians are pale-skinned, not the dark types pushed by the media. Those darker Mediterranean types are usually Arabs, Jews, etc.
Also, the vast majority of Latin Americans are definitely not white like Ricky Martin or Shakira as most are native-mixed or even black African-mixed. Some countries in the Middle East? Depends on that specific person. Many are black African-mixed as well.