Video Clip: Vegans hijack steakhouse
Member Since: 8/19/2006
Posts: 6,475
Originally posted by slayships
I'm off to bed hopefully I dream about running around a field with my animal friends drinking soy milk and eating veggie burgers Research where your beloved meat comes from and how its effecting our beautiful planet and its inhabitants both human and non
Well I hope that comes true for you, because the way you're presenting your argument (regardless of whether you're right or not), you're probably not making many human friends around here...
Member Since: 3/15/2013
Posts: 42,704
I would've ordered another plate of steak and shoved it into her mouth. Dumb bitch
Member Since: 8/19/2013
Posts: 23,375
People like this is why most ppl dismiss vegans & their cause.
Member Since: 4/12/2011
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Member Since: 4/22/2011
Posts: 968
They're all ugly, this cannot be a coincidence.
ATRL Contributor
Member Since: 5/2/2010
Posts: 6,088
Originally posted by slayships
Thats murder youre killing innocent beings against their will. And who are we to say us as humans have more valuable lives than a innocent pig who will just mind his own business when we can be eating far more healthy sustainable foods? Animals deserve equal right to humans
Humans HAVE more valuable lives than a pig, a pig isn't able to do all the things we can and aren't able to live their lives like we are.
ATRL Contributor
Member Since: 8/18/2013
Posts: 4,821
Didn't watch the video, but the absolute ignorance in what I'm reading in here. Let me just repost something I posted in another thread yesterday because it clocks y'all in here as well.
God I forget how ignorant y'all are sometimes. Stop acting like meat is a necessary part of a person's diet. I haven't touched the **** in over five years, and what am I, the ghost of an anemic person who died from lack of protein? No, I'm alive and well, arguably even healthier than I was before I stopped eating meat. Any components found in meat that are needed by the human body (protein, iron, etc.) can be taken in through other means, such as beans, lentils, legumes, soy, nuts, seeds, and many more plant food items. The only reason y'all so adamantly defend this nasty habit is because y'all love the taste and are too selfish to give it up. It's really that simple, and if you really believe it's for any other reason, you should at least come to terms with yourself and realize that you're lying to yourself. The only true argument y'all got is that it "tastes good", and that's a pretty damn weak argument honestly.
For those wondering why "we keep pushing our agenda on to you and not let you eat what you want", did you ever consider that perhaps it's because you eating meat involves more than just you? It's not like it's a sinless personal choice that ends with you. No, you're forgetting the animal who's life you took. You people forget that animals are sentient beings with feelings and emotions, not inanimate objects. You really think they want to die just so your little taste buds can get five minutes of pleasure? Ya, no, they don't, I promise you. Go watch any inside footage from a slaughterhouse and then tell me these animals are so willing to give up their lives for you, or for anyone or anything for that matter. And then you have to consider the huge negative environmental impact the meat industry is wracking our planet with. Indeed, studies indicate that a vegan driving a SUV has a much smaller environmental footprint that an omnivore driving a hybrid. Also, the grain and huge amount of plant food that is fed to these animals that are then being fed to a smaller number of humans could and should go to feeding those in the world that are hungry and have no food. Finally, you eating animals is hurting you. No one is denying that meat does contain a number of vital nutritional properties, but is it really worth it when it comes full of cholesterol, saturated fat, and often times, hormones and antibiotics, especially when you can get all the healthy properties of meat without all that **** in the form of plant food?
I swear, I get the biggest kiii from those screaming "But lions!!!!11!! They eat meat!!! Are you stupid vegans gonna go arrest them too!!!111!!!!11!" No loves, because that's not comparable. Lions actually require meat in their diet to survive, i.e. they will die if meat is not present in their diet. We, however, do not share this inherent need for animal flesh, but rather just love the taste so much that we reach for stupid ass comparisons such as this one to defend us eating it.
Ah, the whole "But plants!!!1 They have feelings too!!1111!!" argument. This one is probably the stupidest and most hypocritical. There is no concrete proof that plants have feelings - they have no brain or nervous system and thus, as most scientists would agree, do not feel pain. The animals that you insist on eating, however, do have brains and nervous systems and thus do feel pain and suffering, but keep on forgetting them and fighting for the plants, which meat eaters also eat I might add!
Then there's the price argument. You guys do realize that meat is only so cheap in the western world because our government subsidizes it heavily, right? It's actually not a cheap commodity, at all. Most basic plant foods, however, such as beans, rice, legumes, lentils, and a whole assortment of fruits and veggies, among many other things, are incredibly cheap. Why do you think so many people in third world countries don't eat meat? Because they don't want to? No, it's because they can't afford it because it's extremely expensive in reality. The vegan meat replacements can be a little pricey, I'll give you that, but no one is asking you to eat those, it's your choice really. (Now that's an example of a personal choice, because it affects no one but you.)
Then there's the one argument that paints vegans as human haters who don't care about the workers in the fields who are gathering/working with the plants we eat. But y'all conveniently forget about the workers in the factory farms, of course, who have equally bad conditions. (I'd argue even worse, all that suffering and death around them has got to take it's toll, and many have come forward and said just that.) And, again, y'all eat plants too. Talk about hypocrisy. (For the record, I do think the conditions these people work in is generally tragic. However, that is not an argument to be used against veganism. Try again.)
Then, when all other excuses have been rebutted, many defending eating meat will do what many people always do in times of need or trouble - they'll fall back on religion. "But the bible says god put animals here for us!!!11!" they'll claim. But sistren, the bible also says that homosexuality is a sin, but that does that stop you from wearing those skinny ankles as your Saturday night earrings after a night at the club? I think not. You don't get to pick one part of the bible to use for your argument and then completely ignore another part that showcases you negatively. And so this ******** reasoning goes out the window too! I think I covered all of them, no?
Didn't expect to write a dissertation, but I'm sick of seeing all these absolute ******** rationalizations y'all try to come up with when the simple fact is y'all won't give up meat because you love the taste. That's it, that's really it. And that's pretty ****ing sad if you ask me. I fully expect stupid comments like "I'm not reading this essay ", an "edgy!!!1!!!1" photo of meat, or some kind of baseless rebuttal, but what else should I expect from ATRL?
I do apologize for coming off as such an asshole, because I really don't hate anyone, whether they eat meat or not, but I'm really just so, so tired of seeing stupid arguments against vegansim.
Member Since: 1/12/2012
Posts: 18,340
This is stupid, what's next? Vegans telling lions to stop eating zebras?
Member Since: 8/19/2013
Posts: 2,638
Reading through this thread I can see that people are failing to see the greater ramifications of eating animal products - I did too for a looooooong time. Just want to pop some facts here that surprised me and turned me to veganism, remember it's a bigger problem than simply choosing to eat animal products or not - there's far more behind it than caring for animals and not wanting them to die!
- Farm animals used to be raised on grassland where they would turn food humans couldn't eat (grass) into something we ~could~ (without getting too much into the debate of toxic ramifications of it) consume and turn into energy. Now, a vast majority of farm animals are raised entirely indoors - and therefore have no access to grass or forage - so their feed must be transported (sometimes across several continents) to them, which has huge negative impacts on the environment. The old model of getting an animal we could kill and eat to eat something we couldn't for our benefit doesn't work anymore as farming has been greatly industrialised. In fact, if we took what we now give to farm animals (things like soya which we can consume ourselves) and kept it for ourselves, we could feed such directly to billions of starving people over the world. It no longer makes sense to have an animal eat what we can eat (expending energy, water and land) when we can simply get it all from plant source. More calories go into the farm animal than come out in the form of meat, dairy and eggs.
- The way we're farming at the moment is unsustainable - it takes 1,000 gallons of water to hydrate the cows that produce 1 gallon of milk, and five tonnes of small fish to feed one tonne of farmed fish so that it's plump to the consumer's taste. Why not blend those 1,000 gallons of water with some nuts or seeds to produce plant-based milks that provide more nutritional benefits than the cows milk? It's quite eye opening.
- Fishmeal is one of the filthiest secrets of the factory-farming industry, an environmental catastrophe that involves sucking millions of tonnes of small fish out of the sea and crushing them into fish oil to be transported around the world and used as dry feed for fish, pigs and chickens. The process deprives millions of larger wild fish, birds and marine mammals of their natural prey, drastically depleting stocks of important species. It also pumps vile fatty waste, creating 'dead zones'; pollutes the atmosphere around processing plants, causing widespread human health problems, and diverts what could be a highly valuable source of nutrition for people in impoverished communities near the plant to industrially farmed animals instead. Production of the meal at a plant in Chimbote was studied over a period of time and found to have given locals severe respitory infections, asthma, acute diarrhoea, malnutrition, parasitic diseases and the like.
- Animals are now heavily treated and injected with chemicals - some of which were designed by German scientists in the Second World War as chemical weapons and were since bought out by US companies for agricultural use - astoundingly, 80% of antibiotics in America are used in farms. Use of such heavy chemicals doesn't give any animals a cure for any illness they are experience, and instead simply alleviates pain, giving birth to lethal diseases like Swine Flu that are created by animals being in close quarters. In fact, two thirds of bacteria, viruses or other micro-organisms that cause disease in humans are zoonotic - meaning they originate from animals. So eating meat means more than just killing animals, it actually kills humans in the process - and has done so many times before.
- People may read of supposed health benefits of meat and the like, but the truth is these benefits are no longer present as factory farming has stripped away almost all of the nutritional benefits of meat on offer at supermarkets. A recent study suggested that you'd have to eat four entire factory farmed chickens from head to toe in order to get the same benefits you would from one living in the wild half a century ago.
I could go on all day but I should probably wrap it up. I hope people feel comfortable reading this, not attacked and know that they can message me any time with questions! Most of my statistics have come from a book I just finished called Farmageddon: The True Cost of Cheap Meat - a great read! Much love
Member Since: 2/5/2014
Posts: 6,336
This is what I hate about certain groups like this though, because it's their choice (which I don't disagree with) and they're trying to force it upon other people and risk making vegans of choice (and not) look bad. Fair enough if you want to live a stricter diet that as a whole doesn't really affect meat "distribution", but go protest less arrogantly and at a more worthy place (like an abattoir) than a damn restaurant.
Member Since: 3/20/2011
Posts: 26,615
What a bunch of assholes.
Member Since: 3/20/2011
Posts: 26,615
These damn essays.
Member Since: 5/2/2012
Posts: 15,418
Originally posted by Austin
You're never going to convince someone to change their lifestyle by being aggressive and hateful.
Pretty much this.
Member Since: 8/19/2013
Posts: 26,488
The mess in that video.
I prefer to get my B12 naturally, and since you can only get that from meat I will continue to eat meat
Member Since: 8/6/2015
Posts: 1,006
I can't at people saying animals should have equal rights as humans By that logic, maybe we should allow them to vote too? Animals kill other animals for food. We are just smart enough to cook them before consuming them. Vegans who tell people to stop eating animals are no different than Christians pushing their religion on others!
Member Since: 11/3/2011
Posts: 13,986
These vegetarians have some damn nerve trying to come up in everybody's business and dictating what they can and can't eat.
Member Since: 8/19/2013
Posts: 3,795
Originally posted by slayships
do you eat meat when its alive? No. Its killed which is.....
So you want us to eat it alive instead? Wouldn't that be more "cruel" to those poor animals?
Member Since: 1/1/2014
Posts: 1,325
Originally posted by jxck
Reading through this thread I can see that people are failing to see the greater ramifications of eating animal products - I did too for a looooooong time. Just want to pop some facts here that surprised me and turned me to veganism, remember it's a bigger problem than simply choosing to eat animal products or not - there's far more behind it than caring for animals and not wanting them to die!
- Farm animals used to be raised on grassland where they would turn food humans couldn't eat (grass) into something we ~could~ (without getting too much into the debate of toxic ramifications of it) consume and turn into energy. Now, a vast majority of farm animals are raised entirely indoors - and therefore have no access to grass or forage - so their feed must be transported (sometimes across several continents) to them, which has huge negative impacts on the environment. The old model of getting an animal we could kill and eat to eat something we couldn't for our benefit doesn't work anymore as farming has been greatly industrialised. In fact, if we took what we now give to farm animals (things like soya which we can consume ourselves) and kept it for ourselves, we could feed such directly to billions of starving people over the world. It no longer makes sense to have an animal eat what we can eat (expending energy, water and land) when we can simply get it all from plant source. More calories go into the farm animal than come out in the form of meat, dairy and eggs.
- The way we're farming at the moment is unsustainable - it takes 1,000 gallons of water to hydrate the cows that produce 1 gallon of milk, and five tonnes of small fish to feed one tonne of farmed fish so that it's plump to the consumer's taste. Why not blend those 1,000 gallons of water with some nuts or seeds to produce plant-based milks that provide more nutritional benefits than the cows milk? It's quite eye opening.
- Fishmeal is one of the filthiest secrets of the factory-farming industry, an environmental catastrophe that involves sucking millions of tonnes of small fish out of the sea and crushing them into fish oil to be transported around the world and used as dry feed for fish, pigs and chickens. The process deprives millions of larger wild fish, birds and marine mammals of their natural prey, drastically depleting stocks of important species. It also pumps vile fatty waste, creating 'dead zones'; pollutes the atmosphere around processing plants, causing widespread human health problems, and diverts what could be a highly valuable source of nutrition for people in impoverished communities near the plant to industrially farmed animals instead. Production of the meal at a plant in Chimbote was studied over a period of time and found to have given locals severe respitory infections, asthma, acute diarrhoea, malnutrition, parasitic diseases and the like.
- Animals are now heavily treated and injected with chemicals - some of which were designed by German scientists in the Second World War as chemical weapons and were since bought out by US companies for agricultural use - astoundingly, 80% of antibiotics in America are used in farms. Use of such heavy chemicals doesn't give any animals a cure for any illness they are experience, and instead simply alleviates pain, giving birth to lethal diseases like Swine Flu that are created by animals being in close quarters. In fact, two thirds of bacteria, viruses or other micro-organisms that cause disease in humans are zoonotic - meaning they originate from animals. So eating meat means more than just killing animals, it actually kills humans in the process - and has done so many times before.
- People may read of supposed health benefits of meat and the like, but the truth is these benefits are no longer present as factory farming has stripped away almost all of the nutritional benefits of meat on offer at supermarkets. A recent study suggested that you'd have to eat four entire factory farmed chickens from head to toe in order to get the same benefits you would from one living in the wild half a century ago.
I could go on all day but I should probably wrap it up. I hope people feel comfortable reading this, not attacked and know that they can message me any time with questions! Most of my statistics have come from a book I just finished called Farmageddon: The True Cost of Cheap Meat - a great read! Much love
YAAAAAAS SIS finally someone who gets it EDUCATE the uninformed and ignorants
Member Since: 1/1/2014
Posts: 1,325
Originally posted by TheNight
Didn't watch the video, but the absolute ignorance in what I'm reading in here. Let me just repost something I posted in another thread yesterday because it clocks y'all in here as well.
flawless argument sometimes I feel like were fighting a loosing battle against these meat eaters
Member Since: 1/1/2014
Posts: 24,895