Being the black, female Trekkie that I am, Nichelle Nichols . . .
(aka Lt. Uhura from Star Trek: The Original Series, currently Admiral Uhura of Starfleet Intelligence) is one of my patron saints. But this latest headline of Queen Nichelle’s is giving me more of a
Truck Turner tea, than a Star Trek one.
From TMZ:
Nichelle Nichols (81), who played Uhura in the 60's TV version of "Star Trek," did better on spaceships than planes because her old travelling companion/ assistant (20 something) was busted at LAX after meth and drug scales fell out of his suitcase ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.
The guy was arrested for drug possession. The unsuspecting Nichols was in the clear and allowed to make her flight.
Nichelle’s PR rep says that all the cops found on her “assistant” was an e-cigarette. I really hope that this is all a big misunderstanding and that Nichelle isn’t caught up in some messy ish, cuz I don’t think my heart could take it.
Sidenote: (81 and still slaying, tho)