I did this last month around this time where i gave out 5 ATRL+ subscriptions so i
thought why not make this a monthly thing; but instead this time with a variety of
prizes.Members who choose to participate in this will be entered in a draw. how it
works is when sign ups are complete i will enter all usernames into a randomiser
and who ever comes ontop wins a certain prize, until all prizes are given out.
1 Month Hulu (x2)
Hulu is a us streaming service, if outside
of the us will require vpn also requires sign up | ATRL+ (x3)
Atrl contributer, cool features:
Customize wall Name change + more
| Amazon US gift card $25 (x1)
Requires a valid US account
Amazon us gift card |
Itunes us $15 (x2)
Requires a valid US account
it's easy to create one if you're outside
the US | Itunes us $50 (x1)
Requires a valid US account
it's easy to create one if you're outside
the US | Amazon US gift cards $10 (x4)
Amazon us gift card |
So 12 Prizes to be given away
+ Write your name/username in a post, don't create a list (y'all are bad when it comes to lists lol)
+ You can only win one prize
+ Anyone can sign up, everyone is welcome
+ As long as you Refer to me as Satan and not Sexy