I don't think "Oh cute, they will leave together forever", I am thinking "It's gonna get messy, they're gonna want to have threesomes after 1 year, etc."
Do you think same sex marriages can really work? I am gay as well so don't use the homophobic card with me, I am just being realistic
I mean, I really do understand the confusion given the gays' sour reputation for being promiscuous, but that reputation is undeserved and marriage is a commitment. You don't usually do it unless you're sure, and I'm pretty sure that same sex marriages will have the same failure rates as with opposite sex marriage.
Obviously not all will work, but a lot will do just fine.
Why generalise though? Some straight marriages work, some don't. I'm sure same-sex marriages would be the same. There's not something about gay people in general which would make them work or not. I thought this anwer was obvious....
Of course it can, ANY marriage can work as long as the two people involved are in love with each other.
As a gay I could care less about getting married tbh, IMO it complicates things. I'd be happy being someones partner in a committed relationship, that would satisfy me.