ATRL brags about the singles chart & Hot 100 but Beyonce's "music" is the one that always seems to studied. Interesting. This smiley below never seemed so appropriate until now.
WhIle ATRL is obsessing over writing credits Beyonce is getting classes about her music. ATRL, how does it feel to be such a small thimble in comparison to the rest of the world and reality? I'm sure it feels great seeing that your opinions mean less than the Burger King you are so happily employed to. I just can't wait till 10 years from now and Beyonce will stand the test of time as will Britney and Rihanna. The trio of impact of this generation.
WhIle ATRL is obsessing over writing credits Beyonce is getting classes about her music. ATRL, how does it feel to be such a small thimble in comparison to the rest of the world and reality? .
Trying to drag her credits with no official sources backing them up while others have to pay millions in law suits over them poor them