Rihanna's S&M seems ready to dominate the billboard hott 100 and so does Britney Spears Hold It Against. Which do you think will be more dominant and rule longer.
You should have posted this as a poll. Lol. That way we could keep up with the results. I personally prefer S&M, but I love both songs and can't say which will rule the charts longer.
HIAM will smash harder, i *****d it out SOOOO MUCCCHHHH the first 2 days. I still love it. and when i hear it on the radio i ****ing freak out. it is just legendary.
but rihanna is rihanna. and s&m is just, 'lawd gawd have mercy'
Someone already made this thread anyway In terms of chart success they will both do some damage but if we are talking about quality & longevity S&M takes the cake
Both song are fantastic, but I luv S&M better cause to me it's even better than OG. Also I've been whoring to it like insane since it released, yet I haven't tired off it yet.