ATRLers you want to meet in real life? It's being a time where I made so many friends on here that I want to meet....
So I have so many but am going to list my 8 ATRLers I want to meet in real life.
1. Nathan Nicely
2. ZachM
3. I. AX
4. Psychodj
5 Whip it
6. Jkobe
7. Toxicity
8. ThatTheTea
ATRLers you want to meet in real life? It's being a time where I made so many friends on here that I want to meet....
So I have so many but am going to list my TOP 10 ATRLers I want to meet in real life.
1. Nathan Nicely
2. Jkobe
3. Psychodj
4. Senerdity
5 Whip it
6. Shakira Stan
7. Toxicity
8. ThatTheTea
9. I. AX
10. Lee!!
Mine is based on the likelyhood of seeing them
1. ImARudeBoy
2. DripDrip
3. staracademy1990
4. AdamAL4
5. collin
6. Ihypemusic
7. JessieJHeartbeat
8. kylespearsfenty
9. DillionATRL
10. pika
1.- Keir (Who doesn't tbh)
2.- Xtrachapstick [Julian] (So cute and sweet)
3.- Jonhhy (He is annoying at times but he is cute and funny)
4.- Bwag [Brandon] (My twin)
5.- Pedro (My first Atrl crush, awww)
There other few I like but those are the main ones.