Request: Jeremy's daily top 10 countdown:5 days left until jojo retires
Member Since: 8/17/2003
Posts: 4,979
Jeremy's daily top 10 countdown:5 days left until jojo retires
#12 britney spears everytime(12,8)-3
#11 3lw no more(12,6)-5
#10 little big town i'm with the band(29,6)+1
#09 destiny's child say my name(14,6)+3
#08 samantha mumba baby come over(18,6)+2
#07 98 degrees my everything(18,6)+1
#06 shakira poem to a horse(14,6)+1
#05 grtechen wilson redneck woman(27,1@#1)-1
#04 ruben studdard what if(42,1@#1)-2
#03 j-lo play(11,2)=
#02 kimberly locke 8th world wonder(45,2)+3
#01 avril lavigne don't tell me(50,25@#1)=
Member Since: 8/17/2003
Posts: 4,979
55 days to retire a video
Member Since: 8/17/2003
Posts: 4,979
streak @ #1
12-22-12-26 jessica simpson wins:4 day streak
12-27-06 kenny chesney wins:1 day streak
12-28-01-30 taylor swift wins:29 day streak
01-31-02-13 jo dee messina wins:12 day streak
02-14-02-23 billy ray cyrus wins:9 day streak
02-24-07 toby keith wins:1 day streak
02-26-03-16 jo dee messina wins:17 day streak
03-17-03-31 garth brooks wins:13 day streak
04-02-04-15 jo dee messina wins:13 day streak
04-17-04-23 toby keith wins:6 day streak
04-24-05-12 jo dee messina wins:17 day streak
05-14-05-19 garth brooks wins:6 day streak
05-21-06-04 jo dee messina wins:12 day streak
06-05-06-07 toby keith wins:1 days streak
06-08-07-02 kenny chesney wins:21 day streak
07-03-07-07 shania twain wins:5 day streak
07-09-07-14 britney spears wins:6 day streak
07-16-07-21 shania twain wins:6 day streak
07-23-07 britney spears wins:1 day streak
07-24-08-17 jo dee messina wins:20 day streak
08-18-08-18 Shania twain wins:1 day streak
08-20-08-20 Ashanti wins:1 day streak
08-21-09-27 Jo dee messina wins:33 day streak*
09-28-10-04 Avril Lavigne Wins:6 day streak
10-05-10-05 Ruben studdard wins:1 day streak
10-06-10-06 Gretchen wilson wins:1 day streak
10-08-10-29 Avril lavigne wins:19 day streak
Member Since: 8/17/2003
Posts: 4,979
Member Since: 8/17/2003
Posts: 4,979
#12 98 degrees my everything(19,6)-5
#11 britney spears everytime(13,8)+1
#10 destiny's child say my name(15,6)-1
#09 shakira poem to a horse(15,6)-3
#08 little big town i'm with the band(30,6)+2
#07 3lw no more(13,6)+4
#06 samantha mumba baby come over(19,6)+2
#05 ruben studdard what if(43,1@#1)-1
#04 kimberly locke 8th world wonder(46,2)-2
#03 j-lo play(12,2)=
#02 grtechen wilson redneck woman(28,1@#1)+3
#01 avril lavigne don't tell me(51,26@#1)=
Member Since: 8/17/2003
Posts: 4,979
#12 3lw no more(14,6)-5
#11 shakira poem to a horse(16,6)-2
#10 destiny's child say my name(16,6)=
#09 britney spears everytime(14,8)+2
#08 little big town i'm with the band(31,6)=
#07 samantha mumba baby come over(20,6)-1
#06 98 degrees my everything(20,6)+6
#05 j-lo play(13,2)-2
#04 ruben studdard what if(44,1@#1)+1
#03 grtechen wilson redneck woman(29,1@#1)-1
#02 kimberly locke 8th world wonder(47,2)+2
#01 avril lavigne don't tell me(52,27@#1)=
Member Since: 8/17/2003
Posts: 4,979
#12 britney spears everytime(15,8)-3
#11 destiny's child say my name(17,6)-1
#10 samantha mumba baby come over(21,6)-3
#09 little big town i'm with the band(32,6)-1
#08 shakira poem to a horse(17,6)+3
#07 3lw no more(15,6)+5
#06 98 degrees my everything(20,6)+6
#05 grtechen wilson redneck woman(30,1@#1)-2
#04 ruben studdard what if(45,1@#1)=
#03 j-lo play(14,2)+2
#02 kimberly locke 8th world wonder(48,2)=
#01 avril lavigne don't tell me(53,28@#1)=
Member Since: 8/17/2003
Posts: 4,979
#12 little big town i'm with the band(33,6)-3
#11 britney spears everytime(15,8)+1
#10 3lw no more(16,6)-2
#09 98 degrees my everything(21,6)-3
#08 samantha mumba baby come over(22,6)+2
#07 destiny's child say my name(18,6)+4
#06 shakira poem to a horse(18,6)+2
#05 j-lo play(15,2)-2
#04 kimberly locke 8th world wonder(49,2)-2
#03 ruben studdard what if(46,1@#1)+1
#02 grtechen wilson redneck woman(31,1@#1)+2
#01 avril lavigne don't tell me(54,29@#1)=
Member Since: 8/17/2003
Posts: 4,979
#12 destiny's child say my name(19,6)-5
#11 samantha mumba baby come over(23,6)-3
#10 98 degrees my everything(22,6)-1
#09 britney spears everytime(16,8)+2
#08 3lw no more(17,6)+2
#07 little big town i'm with the band(34,6)+5
#06 shakira poem to a horse(19,6)=
#05 ruben studdard what if(47,1@#1)-2
#04 kimberly locke 8th world wonder(50,2)=
#03 j-lo play(16,2)+2
#02 grtechen wilson redneck woman(32,1@#1)=
#01 avril lavigne don't tell me(55,30@#1)=
Member Since: 8/17/2003
Posts: 4,979
#12 3lw no more(18,6)-4
#11 britney spears everytime(18,8)-2
#10 little big town i'm with the band(35,6)-3
#09 samantha mumba baby come over(24,6)+2
#08 destiny's child say my name(20,6)+4
#07 shakira poem to a horse(20,6)-1
#06 98 degrees my everything(24,6)+4
#05 grtechen wilson redneck woman(33,1@#1)-3
#04 ruben studdard what if(48,1@#1)+1
#03 j-lo play(17,2)=
#02 kimberly locke 8th world wonder(51,2)+2
#01 Toby Keith whiskey Girl
Member Since: 10/28/2006
Posts: 19,048
Member Since: 8/17/2003
Posts: 4,979
gee Thanks Pablo_Spears for the rating i'm sure it would be higher if spears was @ #1
Member Since: 8/17/2003
Posts: 4,979
#12 britney spears everytime(19,8)-1
#11 98 degrees my everything(25,6)-5
#10 destiny's child say my name(21,6)-2
#09 shakira poem to a horse(21,6)-2
#08 little big town i'm with the band(36,6)+2
#07 3lw no more(19,6)+5
#06 samantha mumba baby come over(25,6)+3
#05 ruben studdard what if(49,1@#1)-1
#04 j-lo play(18,2)-1
#03 grtechen wilson redneck woman(34,1@#1)+2
#02 kimberly locke 8th world wonder(52,2)=
#01 Toby Keith whiskey Girl(2,2@#1)=
Member Since: 8/17/2003
Posts: 4,979
#12 98 degrees my everything(26,6)-1
#11 samantha mumba baby come over(26,6)-5
#10 britney spears everytime(20,8)+2
#09 little big town i'm with the band(37,6)-1
#08 3lw no more(20,6)-1
#07 destiny's child say my name(22,6)+3
#06 shakira poem to a horse(22,6)+3
#05 ruben studdard what if(50,1@#1)=
#04 grtechen wilson redneck woman(35,1@#1)-1
#03 kimberly locke 8th world wonder(53,2)-1
#02 j-lo play(19,2)+2
#01 Toby Keith whiskey Girl(3,3@#1)=
Member Since: 11/3/2006
Posts: 11,500
Member Since: 7/1/2007
Posts: 10,803
Member Since: 8/17/2003
Posts: 4,979
#12 3lw no more(21,6)-4
#11 little big town i'm with the band(38,6)-2
#10 britney spears everytime(21,8)=
#09 samantha mumba baby come over(27,6)+2
#08 destiny's child say my name(23,6)-1
#07 shakira poem to a horse(23,6)-1
#06 98 degrees my everything(27,6)+6
#05 kimberly locke 8th world wonder(54,2)-2
#04 ruben studdard what if(51,1@#1)+1
#03 j-lo play(20,2)+1
#02 grtechen wilson redneck woman(36,1@#1)+2
#01 Toby Keith whiskey Girl(4,4@#1)=
Member Since: 10/28/2006
Posts: 19,048
Member Since: 8/17/2003
Posts: 4,979
#12 samantha mumba baby come over(28,6)-3
#11 britney spears everytime(22,8)-1
#10 little big town i'm with the band(39,6)+1
#09 shakira poem to a horse(24,6)-2
#08 3lw no more(22,6)+4
#07 98 degrees my everything(28,6)-1
#06 destiny's child say my name(24,6)+2
#05 j-lo play(21,2)-2
#04 kimberly locke 8th world wonder(55,2)+1
#03 grtechen wilson redneck woman(37,1@#1)-1
#02 ruben studdard what if(52,1@#1)+2
#01 Toby Keith whiskey Girl(5,5@#1)=
Member Since: 7/1/2007
Posts: 10,803