Originally posted by Sloth
Gay marriage will be legal this year, trust me.
I'm completely with you on this. Everyone is expecting a middle-ground ruling on Prop 8 but I'm (naively?) convinced that they're going to issue a monumental ruling allowing for marriage equality.
I would imagine that anyone who payed attention to the arguments in favor of prop 8 during the trial in California would agree. Every one of their arguments was religious in nature, backed only (& barely) by the bible, while the case for it was supported by leaders in virtually every sector from sociologists to scientists.
At the end of that case, it was clear that 1) homosexuality is natural and 2) marriage is a legal contract, not a religious one. I'm feeling like this is our generations Roe v Wade.
I literally cannot see a group of strong & objective minds whose only confinement is the constitution reaching any other logical conclusion.