Rumored Twist from Jokers
I heard no returning HG, and no HG will have previously known each other BUT there will be 18 HG making it the largest active cast, and that they will be split into teams of 3.
The winning side of HoH has to nominated 1 person from each team.
And then each team will pick two people to represent them in the PoV (1 being the nominated person and the other being a team decided person) so a total of 6 people in PoV. (HoH, 2 nominated, then 1 person from each team that was decided on by that team) No more Random.
As expected this will prolly only go on for a couple weeks and then either crash and burn or they will just merge everyone.
Sounds like a complete mess!
Originally posted by Shy Boy
Best season ever.
Dan was the only hgs from BB6 - 13 I rooted from the beginning to end that won & deserved it