1. This thread will be used as the official 2016 election thread. Direct all news regarding the election here. This can also be used as a base thread for all politics but try to keep it to the US.
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How can you be gay and a republican... and vote for a Bush?
He opposes gay marriage
Because Obama and the dems are the reason for everything that's wrong with this nation. And Hillary has proven her ineptitude when it comes to being a leader [Benghazi]
We need the GOP back. And I don't care I'm never gonna marry so **** I look like caring about that dated concept
See that's why the Gays never win. You all bandwagon behind anyone who gives you even some validation
'yas i support gay marriage' 'omg hillaryyyy queen!!! yaaasssss 2016 release a single slay those polls mama!'
Because Obama and the dems are the reason for everything that's wrong with this nation. And Hillary has proven her ineptitude when it comes to being a leader [Benghazi]
We need the GOP back. And I don't care I'm never gonna marry so **** I look like caring about that dated concept
See that's why the Gays never win. You all bandwagon behind anyone who gives you even some validation
'yas i support gay marriage' 'omg hillaryyyy queen!!! yaaasssss 2016 release a single slay those polls mama!'
Most ignorant thing I've read all day. Typical republican.
and Obama is just cleaning up the mess a republican left behind.
I was rooting for Elizabeth Warren to run because she's younger and has the whole "inevitable" female thing going on but she's doing SO much great work for our country where she is now.
Although part of me thinks she is going to run because she's been on TV a lot more lately.