ATRL Great Debates Thread
Hello ATRL! Welcome to the Official Great Debate thread. Here is the thread where we can debate issues, be it political, social, or just interesting topics. This is also to place to post in cases where you might have made an individual thread for a generic topic, such as "Red vs. Blue".
Using the thread:
This thread will function like SYG/Random Thoughts, instead of having a rotating topic. When making a post starting a topic, please bold and color red your post.
For Example. Also, to make things clearer, please try when possible to quote the post you are responding to, since multiple conversations will be happening at once.
Mod Rules: Here are the rules for this thread that the mods will firmly enforce
- No Smilies
- No funny gifs or images
- All posts must be at least one sentence long.
- No-cosigning
- All regular ATRL rules will apply
So feel free to post a topic and get started.
Also, if someone with ART design skills could help me improve the OP, that'd be great, please PM me. Thanks!