Sex with prostitutes to be paid for by Germany Green Party
Germany Green Party pledges to pay for free sex with prostitutes for anyone who needs 'sexual assistance' and can't afford it
German Green Party care spokeswoman Elisabeth Scharfenberg revealed plans
She said doctors should be given the right to issue free prescriptions for sex
Patients would need a medical note saying they can't get sex any other way
Prostitution is legal in Germany and women have been selling sex in care home
Sex with prostitutes will be paid for by the Government for anyone too poor for a hooker and deemed to need sexual assistance under German Green Party plans.
The party's care spokeswoman Elisabeth Scharfenberg says doctors should have the right to issue the free prescriptions to their patients for ladies of the night.
Prostitution is legal in Germany and carries little of the taboos associated with it in many other countries.
There are brothels in virtually every town and a trend recently began with working girls offering 'sexual assistance' to dementia sufferers, the handicapped and people living in care homes.
Care spokeswoman for the German Green Party Elisabeth Scharfenberg (pictured) said doctors should have the right to issue free prescriptions for sex to patients
Depending on the brothel, the services range from 'affectionate touching' to bondage, fetishism and full sex.
But no law exists for the client to claim for the costs of his or her visit as a medical expense.
The Greens want to change that, based on a law that has been in place in the neighbouring Netherlands for some time.