Quantico is an American television thriller series created by Joshua Safran. Quantico premiered on ABC on Sunday, September 27th, 2015. The protagonist of the series is Alex Parrish (Priyanka Chopra), who nearing the end of the shows first season, is suspected of committing a terrorist attack. Flashbacks tell her story and the stories of her fellow recruits at the FBI Academy in Quantico. ABC picked up the show for a full season with subsequent orders in October and November to a total of 22 episodes.
You were pretty decent & definitely had potential.
I got invited to watch it and give feedback for money. I don't think it's circulating
anywhere yet, but if anybody wants plot details/spoilers you can hit me up.
You were pretty decent & definitely had potential.
I got invited to watch it and give feedback for money. I don't think it's circulating
anywhere yet, but if anybody wants plot details/spoilers you can hit me up.
Thank you! I'm reasy for my Emmy and Golden Globe nomination.
I don't want to spoil, but I want to know whose acting was bad.