How did your exams go?
English Literature and Language (I do A Levels) went AMAZING, I worked my ass off because I'm really passionate about English and I loved the books we studied (Streetcar Named Desire, All My Sons + Property). My teachers analysed and did a question on the topic that came up and uploaded it months before and I looked at the answers the day before the exam
I also typed up the 87 English terminologies and definition from memory
Film Studies was okay, although the questions could've been better. It's film though and I got an A for my film and a B for my coursework so it's all good.
History was a ****ing mess. I was making up historians quotes and sources and events. The timing was a mess. My other factors I bought in was a mess. Oh God, it was a hot mess. I can't do source questions also. I legit think I'm going to fail.
What grades are you hoping for in August?
I really want BBC but I think I'm going to get BCD/E. History ****ed everything up for me. **** history. Why the **** did I pick history.
Are you going to uni/sixth form?
I'm going to university (outside London. It's too expensive) and I plan to study criminology & law!
Are you going into school to get your results or are you getting them online?
I plan to go with my friends to school but if they're running late, I'm leaving them