Title is misleading. You should include that it's just a preview. Other than that the video looks like everything Kesha has already done before. Very basic and generic Kesha. This won't help the song at all.
Title is misleading. You should include that it's just a preview. Other than that the video looks like everything Kesha has already done before. Very basic and generic Kesha. This won't help the song at all.
not really.. She is doing a rap parody it seems.. it can be fun and funny.. I mean, that's what she is known for, but it can be great if done right.. we will have to see what happens!
eh, I'm not feeling it, it looks too plain and boring with just ke$ha, I'ma need a party or something to appear because it's Crazy Kids, not Crazy Ke$ha
You know, from the pictures I thought I would hate this video, but I don't mind the preview that much. I still would have loved to see Classy$ha more in the video, but it's passable so far.