Member Since: 1/6/2012
Posts: 12,011
What's the most annoying thing members say on ATRL
Here's mine. Example:
Currently browsing: 51 members (Devon, liberalmusiclover, mrmaiko, Haus_of_Will, TheRealKii, ToxDuris, H-I-M, annashaus, Beatz, HeavyMetalLover., hairofglory, JakeKills, TheLlamaNetwork, truthless, GagaAdele, rasmushooker, Rated R, phreshprince, PorcelainCrack, Glamorous, YoYo, CORNET, toanythingtaboo, chilluminati, T.K, Beethoven, slimmaz, F&S, cirokisskiss, viperial, ddeizaguirre, meril, garabagedoll, Desperate Fantast, Reed, MarryTheMonster, frencis31, R92, KrishG4L), 64 guests.
All here for the Queen of Pop. Slaying ATRL once again. Blah, blah, blah"
What's yours?