Now with Hillary & Jeb leading major polls for the democrat/republican
nominees another Clinton/Bush election could be coming.
Who would you rather see become President?
Hilary of course, if you are LGBT, women or a minority and are voting Jeb Bush I suggest you do further research on his history, he has made some disgusting comments
I feel so young on this first time voting will be during the presidential elections of 2016 and i have no idea on who to vote for
Democrat is always the answer (until there is a viable third party).
Originally posted by Priyanka Chopra
Elizabeth Warren should be President.
As much as I would love that it's just not going to happen this round. We all know she's not a realistic candidate. Not enough momentum and backing The odds are against ha.
Elizabeth Warren as president and Wendy Davis as vice president would be perfect too, but if Hilary's what we have to work for then so be it. I just need the US to become more liberal