Since I only have three warnings so far I'll just ramble about all three of them.
1) My first one. Apparently nicknames apply for ALL kinds of people, including actors. Instead of Zach Galifianakis, I called him Zach Godifianakis.
I got a point for nicknames, expired.
2) Then, I said "Who?
" in a thread about Kyle Minologue or something. But I really didn't know who he was, hell I still don't.
Got 5 points for that but it already expired.
My post is here. I got a point for being off-topic cause the person I quoted shaded Britney by editing "Born This Way" and "Judas" and putting "HIAM and TTWE" so I defended Till The World Ends without shade, insult, or offense.
I don't think it was really fair, but whatever, it's a point and it expires in two weeks.