TOP 10 Artist of the Year worldwide according to hits, album sales, awards, tours, social media (instagram, Twitter, Facebook) and overall impact.
9th year! 2015 was a decent year in music comparing to last one
Not only with a true huge comeback in music but also with being the top celeb of 2015,
There's no doubt the LORD the KING the LEGEND! Justin Bieber is the ARTIST of the YEAR.
-1.5m albums sold
- 300m+ views Lips Are Moving / 200m views Dear Future Husband
- Social Media: 7 million
-Top DJ of the year (#1 forbes)
- 300m+ views How Deep Is Your Love
- Social Media: 24 million
- EDM tour
- Relation with Taylor Swift
-Revival 400k albums sold / -My Everything 300k albums sold
- 200m+ views Good For You / - 200m+ views Focus
- Collab with Zeed / - AMA winner
- Social Media: 150 million / -Social Media: 100 million
- Relation with Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift etc.. / World Tour