Greece is no longer welcome to participate in the discussion about their debts and a possible solution. Greek secretary of Finance called for a referendum and urged people to vote against the plan that could save their country from bankruptcy and could keep them in the European Union, so now the secretaries of the independent EU countries are starting a meeting about the Greek exit out of the European Union, how to deal with/go about their exit, and what other solutions they still see.
Meanwhile the bankrun has officially started in Greece with 8% of all the ATMs already being empty and people trying to collect all their money from the bank.
This is becoming a mess and tbh I'm happy to see them go... The EU was losing all their credibility with their empty threats
Banks + Stockmarket will be closed for a while, maximum of €50 or €60 a day can be withdrawn from ATMs by individuals
Voting results:{"cls":"main","params":{}}
13 July:
Final negotiations have been taking place since yesterday and Europe is very firm, they want a lot of reforms and they want them approved by Parliament before the end of the week. Furthermore they want the IMF to be involved and want €50billion worth of Greek state property as a pledge/warranty that Greece will pay their debts, as they'll be needing between 82 and 86 billion euros plus an additional 7 billion to bridge the gap come 20 July.
Grrece is very unhappy with the consequences of their NO vote and Tsipras' games and their newspapers read "Greece in Auschwitz" and "Germany destroys Europe again"