Member Since: 11/10/2009
Posts: 19,215
Hey betches, it's BTrisc here bringing you a hot new thread full of top members. The show will be called
We'll have a panel of "doctors" (the exact number is yet to be determined). They will be counseling members, discussing health topics, health of celebrities, etc, both seriously and jokingly. It will be structured and I need a variety of sensitive, smart, bitchy, etc. members to be on the board of "doctors." I am thinking of also having specific members of the board who will act as managers (keeping everyone in line), cameramen (help make graphics, art, and the overall layout), and businessmen (help promote outside of the thread).
The show would end up being much more like a hybrid of Dr. Phil and The View. The only real difference is that every episode we'll have people who need help with something but are uncomfortable sharing information with everyone. They will PM me for counseling and we'll discuss their issue anonymously. Let me know if you are interested and I'll be happy to take ideas and suggestions.
Manager and Cameraman - BTrisc0392
Executive Head Counselor - GeezusHaberdash
Assistant Head Counselor - itstotallybea
Executive Family and Friendship Counselor - Hi.Definition
Assistant Family and Friendship Counselor - deemy
Executive Relationship Counselor - TheMusicProphet
Assistant Relationship Counselor - BEYONCESGiirl
Executive Coming Out Therapist - XoEarlyMorningoX
Assistant Coming Out Therapist - eli's_rhythm
Executive Sexual Therapist - P_Cahleb_M
Assistant Sexual Therapist - khlovess
Executive Physician and Nutritionist - Roman
Assistant Physician and Nutritionist - Beatfreak
Executive Comedic Therapist - Chemist
Assistant Comedic Therapist - Kisuke
Executive Adolescent Counselor - Golden Trigger
Assistant Adolescent Counselor - Bdawg
Executive Stress Therapist - Jewfro
Assistant Stress Therapist - Ghandi