Originally posted by iBeyoncé.
I was shocked too. Kori & Lauren were the main ones from what it looked like fighting in the Super Fight which I can't wait for.
YASSS the Super Fight. It looks so promising and I can tell it won't be one of those disappointing, over hyped fights Oxygen tries to pull on us, from what we see.
Originally posted by Stepfon
I forgot about Mr Nick. I wanted to like Jade but she was too sloppy drunk and came in the house wanting to pick a fight. It's going to be interesting to watch this season because there are at least three girls are looking to be "HBIC" and it will be funny to see who is the last one standing. I already want Jessica and Nick out of there because they annoyed me so much tonight.
way too many girls wanting to be the 'HBIC'. But what I'm really missing is the golden comedic girl you ask 'Why the hell is she there?' a la Annie S4 and Kristen S5 (who proved to be a bad bitch). The bunch of girls look to be promising in drama, but I want a funny bitch with one-liners.