I can't!
It's that time of the year again when we can all be post*****s and randomly put "3/10" figures just to pay back the comment we receive each time from a fellow c/d-er.
A shame, although I do that too.
2010 isn't a bad year at all and with the inundation of pop generic music we had all year long, seems like everyone is piqued (or forced) to search for a good once in a while.
In every decline, there's a good chances of people exerting effort to make it better. At least the balance is yet to be disturbed.
I hope I don't flop this year.
There goes my very uninteresting introduction.
EDIT: I forgot to tell you gorls what I will be dewing! So here it is:
1.) The Eight-Tea Songs of 2010
2.) Top 50 Alberms of 2010
3.) maybe some extra charts for fun
Forgive my clumsiness!