What would you do?
I'll name a situation. You state how you would react to it. I'll change it every now and then.
What would you do if you saw a dying dog on the street?
What would you do if you saw a man yelling hurtful things at his wife and making threatening motions toward her?
What would you do if your teenage daughter got pregnant and (a) the father ******* out (b) the father decides to stay and help?
What would you do if you saw a little kid by themselves and they were crying their eyes out?
What would you do if the flight you were on was about to go down? (a)It ran out of fuel (b)The pilot ****ed up (c)Terrorist hijacking.
What you do if you contracted a sexually transmitted disease or infection?
Say you belong to a minority group and a friend of yours who belongs to a majority group addressed you with a slur, but friendlily?
You are Black and your White friend says "What's good, my n*gga?".
You are Gay and your friend says "hEY ****!".
What would you do if you saw a person you couldn't stand in grave danger? Would you help or walk on by?
What would you do if you got your ass whooped in front of your:
(a) boyfriend/girlfriend?
(b) parent(s)?
(c) sibling(s)?
(d) best friend?
What would you do if you were caught in the middle of an active shooting?
(a) Bank/store robbery
(b) On the street
(c) In an office or school