Ichinaru19'sBest of 2014
Throughout the year I encountered many new artists which resonated with me. This time I have a slightly smaller countdown as I am doing my Top 50 Songs and my Top 10 Albums. I'll be doing things similar to last year with a few edits.
I'm aware I forgot the 1 in my banner XD This year I will be doing a Top 50 for songs released. Songs will be posted in either groups of five or ten a day with a description of why I like that song and why it made my list of the best songs of 2012. Songs that made the top 10 will be rated 1 through 10 on the following categories:
- Things ranging from the lyrics of the song, to the vocals and beat.
- How likable is this song? What was the first listen of the song like?
- How many times can I play this song until I get tired of it?
-How I liked the song at the end of the day, and whether it will be remembered as time transpires.
I will do around a Top 10 this year! Albums will be released every day and depending on my mood I may release a few at a time. They will be rated on the following categories:
- How does the album hold up as a whole? Are there only a few good songs on it? Any significant themes that stands out?
- How likeable is the album as a whole? Are the songs easy to get into?
- Does this album stand out to me?