I hope the wheels on Emma's wheelchair rusts and she literally immobile **** her for thinking that we can't criticize our fave. Also **** Gaga for calling the people who have been here for her since 2008 not real fans cause we don't agree with her selfish opinions, what kind of dictator has she become? She promised NON STOP SLAYAGE ever since 2011 her dumb ass and she delivered ****. Actual **** (well the album is alright so maybe not **** just not amazing) How do you work on something for almost 3 years and just can't get it right with the critics, the GP and now THE FANS ARE TURNING ON YOU GAGA SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG. LISTEN TO PEREZ LISTEN TO TROY AND LISTEN TO BOOMKACK THEY WERE TRYING TO HELP YOU AND NOW WE ARE.
Gaga your art sucks, its so self-absorbed and just annoying tbh your "art" in the old days was good mostly cause you didn't parade around begging people to take you seriously. I love you and bought a ticket to the show and if you and that wheelchair bound twat thinks that doesn't make me a good fan then the BOTH of you can watch me RUN away and never return like the rest of the world considering you couldn't at one point and Emma never will.
I don't know about drags but my favourite moment was when that Mary user posted about whether Gaga or Katys next single would sound like Brave by sara bareilles and then we heard roar
I don't know about drags but my favourite moment was when that Mary user posted about whether Gaga or Katys next single would sound like Brave by sara bareilles and then we heard roar
I love you and bought a ticket to the show and if you and that wheelchair bound twat thinks that doesn't make me a good fan then the BOTH of you can watch me RUN and never return like the rest of the world
Originally posted by KittyCat
Monsters really need to stop. No one has forgotten the Prism thread. Sure, it's easy for you to try and #StopTheDramaStartTheMusic now, but where was that weeks ago- for Katy, for Miley? Nope, there will be no reduction in lashings or mercy. We will continue to rip every shred of hair on your heads until all that's left is a bald, shiny ARTPOP ball stamped 240K. And just when you think "I'm safe. They're gone." that the nightmare is over and that you can finally rest from the claws of the KatyCats, we will re-scalp you again as the echo of Katy's 'Roar' plays in your mind on loop.