They're ejected due to racist stereotypes. Gay men may keep arguing that it's "just a preference" even though having a racial preference is inherently racist.
'No Asians, no Indians'
So this person is racist and has no geographical basic knowledge. Thanks. Love this YouTuber btw, he's amazing and so open-minded
I love this.
I tend to let it go when people claim to have preferences because I like it better than hearing NO (whatever) there's only so much you can do about ignorance. sigh.
'No Asians, no Indians'
So this person is racist and has no geographical basic knowledge. Thanks. Love this YouTuber btw, he's amazing and so open-minded
In elementary school, I filled up a form and the girl next to me was shocked I chose Asian.
The same can be said for most minorities but the video does speak the truth. Tho I was wondering if the Asians in the video were suppose to be attractive?