mostly because of how addictive they are. cocaine more than heroin isn't even like, that bad, they're just super super hard to kick once you get on with using them actively. just ask any of the nick/disney girls.
Not bad at all, you are right don't believe the lies, especially from the mainstream media.
Cocaine is quite good for you. Helps you stay skinny, makes old dirty money bills useful again and is quite a fun activity to partake in with a group of friends at toilets in bars, house parties. You can all be skinny and hot together!!! Sniff it (ex)fat!
I'm not sure about Heroin, but I'll ask my grandma over thanksgiving dinner and get back to you.
The t is drugs are only bad if you make your life about them. Like there is a difference between snorting cocaine and going to work and snorting cocaine and then sitting in front of the TV watching Netflix.
Cocaine isn't that bad, as far as drugs go. Heroin, though, is terrible. It is mostly injected using needles, which makes it dangerous to use, and the type of high it gives you is very addicting, so it makes the substance more addicting. That's why people overdose on it so often.
*Note: I haven't done either, but I know people who do/have done both.*
Are all the people saying it's good trying to ruin my life, or are all the people saying it's bad manipulated by the media?
Whew, I'm more clueless than before.
It's bad not only because it's a harmful substance but because the CIA intentionally distributes these drugs into urban communities for profit. Land of the free, home of the largest prison population in the world. Irony.