Dozens of teenagers are now tweeting bomb jokes to American Airlines
Following the tweets by a twitter user named Sarah ....
@AmericanAir the bomb goes of in 3 hours
Alden Fernandez ♥ (@AldoFernz) April 14, 2014
@AmericanAir Im gonna bomb your 737 jet
▲ demi ▼ (@ddlovatosteddy) April 14, 2014
@AmericanAir Hello Am From Iraq i Want 1Million Or I Will Plan A Bomb To Your Next Flight To Paris !! Bye Bye America
The Real Slim Shady (@WaleedMeshari) April 14, 2014
@AmericanAir I have a bomb under the next plane to take off
Army Jacket . (@ShyyLicious)
@Politie_Rdam @YourAnonCentral @AmericanAir release her or I'll bomb your HQ.
admrl. anonymous (@nonfreak)
@AmericanAir Hello, I'm eduardo. ago a couple of weeks were warned, iīm ignored. you will pay the consequences. Bomb! HAHAHAHA
eduardo (@eduardo37276391)
These people are AWFUL the poor airlines, it isn't like they can just ignore bomb threats. Twitter needs to take action and start involving law enforcement because these children are causing much more harm than they think.