For the ones who hadn't come, welcome to a series of special countdowns with different themes, artists and videos from all times.
Today, in our Countdownlicious # 2 you're gonna get your
sabor on, as you find out which are the best latin artists singing in English (or singing with someone who sings in English hehe)
Medicine for my soul (La llave de mi corazón) Probably many of you don't know about this, but it's a great latin-flavoured new song.
Don't Say Goodbye We all have heard this, haven't we? But... can you remember the lyrics??
Psycho music playing)
Do you know? (The Ping Pong Song) Although it has a ridicolous title, it's a catchy new song.
Objection (Tango) Shakira's best, IMO
Smooth Isn't this the best song ever made?
Remember to check Countdownlicious everyday and check my other countdown for more music