Kevin, these are what we call tickets...
...And they are to the biggest fest' this ATRLer has ever attempted to pull off... Coming by January 5th...
Music (And lots of it)
A multi-day Concert
Live Performances
Lots of Noise
Evidence of impacted Commercialism
Bring your trailers and concert gear
It's all been going on this 2008 year
This is T-Fest 2008
Approach the ticket booth and get your ticket from Kenneth...
...or Larry...
...or Deloris
...or Ms. Melinda
or "I-did-not-sleep-around-just-to-get-this-job" Cassie
I gave my tickets to a cute lady in red wearing a bunny hat and a Slipknot T-Shirt, I should probably see if she'll give it back to me and we can go together to the show.
...Because it increases the chances of you buying the T-Fest merchandise*...thus paying off my $1800 tuition bill for this next semester... **MARKETING MASTERMIND @ WORK!**
*Not just balloons, tees, and coffee mugs. OH NO, NO NO NO!
- Wii Games
- Flowers
- ipods
- itunes
- Quality hoodies
- Philadelphia Cream Cheese
- Gazoos
- Slaves
- Blu-Rays
- Pokemon Cards
- WoW and Sims expansion sets (T-Fest version)
- Boxers
- Boxer Briefs (BBs)
- Victoria Secret Line