The intergalactic adventure revolves around an overly optimistic (yet inept) alien race called the Boov, who invade Earth in an attempt to escape their mortal enemy, hoping to make this hiding spot their new home. But one resourceful girl named Tip (Rihanna) escapes the Boov’s relocation efforts and teams up with a banished Boov named Oh (Jim Parsons) to save the race after he accidentally clues the bad guys into the Boov’s whereabouts
The movie also stars Jennifer Lopez, Jim Parsons and Steve Martin
She's not even in the trailer, before any of you waste 4 minutes of your life waiting for her like I did
It sounds childish but I've really been getting into kind of child animated movies like Up/Wall-E/Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs/Despicable Me etc recently so I'll look forward to this as a whole
She's not even in the trailer, before any of you waste 4 minutes of your life waiting for her like I did
It sounds childish but I've really been getting into kind of child animated movies like Up/Wall-E/Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs/Despicable Me etc recently so I'll look forward to this as a whole
Well it's just a teaser trailer with Steve Martin but Rihanna&Jim Parson are the main characters. The trailer doesn't really reflect the movie as a whole.