Originally posted by borntodiethisway
I'm so over people sabotaging.
Lemme spill the on my plans a bit:
If I think someone is trolling, I will post the amount of 0's and 10's in the rate in question, and make a strawpoll asking the voters if they think the rates are a troll (the name of the voter will be left out of this portion.) If the votes are majority yes, I will be name-shaming the voter, and they will most likely be banned from Generation 6's rate.
So don't troll, people.
Originally posted by PhreshDiamond
If we post comments with some of our rates will you include them on the reveals with the names credited? or is that a waste of time us doing that?
It's a waste of time. I will not be adding personal comments from voters - that's for you to post in the thread for the meltdowns and controversy.