What is this?
The movement to dethrone Uptown Funk's reign on the BBH100?
Whose lives are at stake?
Everyone, notably the pop girls. Mariah Carey is holding it down for the pop girls with her 20-year reign as the longest-running #1 songs on the BBH100. It's the laws of feminism people. When Mariah goes down, our pop girls' credibility and slayage as a whole goes down and we MUST protect them.
What should we do?
TURN OFF THE RADIO. For God's sake, don't listen to it. Instead stream! Maroon 5's "Sugar", Ellie Goulding's "Love Me Like You Do," REPEATEDLY. You must sabotage Bruno and get the other top songs to dethrone him.
This is a movement. Let's protect Mariah and our girls!