Before I list the hot ****, I will post the hot mess of albums..
While I admit I was eagerly anticipating this, the result was utter trash. The only the song (behind the singles) that was tolerable is "L.I.F.E.". She deserves to be the flop she is.
It's quite a shame when, two years ago, B'day was among my top 3. This year Beysus is back with one of the most disappointing efforts ever. Beyonce, a collection of five dull songs, mostly stolen from Leona Lewis' trash bin while recording
Spirit. While Sasha is anything but fierce. Terrible album from start to end and it failed big time to grow on me.
I was expecting this to be just as great as Sam's Town - if not better. This album is extremely boring. There's no enjoyable melody whatsoever. "Human" was average. The only song I REALLY liked was "A Crippling Blow" and it was a bonus. So you figure it out..
Just NO. I'm proud that we have ONE Amy Winehouse. It's sad how people are falling for this white gimmick.
It's hilarious how the album was trying to beat Mutya's disaster of last year, Real Girl, and their own disaster "Change".. this album is just as TERRIBLE. Amelle should just quit. And they need to emancipate Keisha and let her go solo. She's the future while this group is officially over.