From someone who just saw the film at NYFF (there are other sources on twitter too that confirm both)
Mike Ryan @mikeryan 17m
I wrote about GONE GIRL, David Fincher has successfully made a sleazy prestige film. (Also, Tyler Perry was aces.)
david ehrlich @davidehrlich 16m
@mikeryan but seriously Tyler Perry is good, but like… Affleck and Pike are on a whooooole 'nother level
Dave Lozo @DaveLozo 12m
@davidehrlich @mikeryan Jesus, those first two paragraphs are cringeworthy in that I kept expecting a spoiler.
Mike Ryan @mikeryan 11m
@DaveLozo @davidehrlich Sorry about that. It's a tricky movie to write about because of that.
Dave Lozo @DaveLozo 10m
@mikeryan @davidehrlich I want to go see it but I don't want to hear Affleck do that accent for two hours. I'm torn.
Mike Ryan @mikeryan 9m
@DaveLozo @davidehrlich I didn't notice an accent.
Dave Lozo @DaveLozo 9m
@mikeryan @davidehrlich I thought I heard some southern accent in the commercials. Then never mind!
david ehrlich @davidehrlich 7m
@DaveLozo @mikeryan
unless his dick had an accent (spoiler: you see his dick)
Mike Ryan @mikeryan 5m
@davidehrlich @DaveLozo What?!?! Really? I think David's lying.
david ehrlich @davidehrlich 3m
@mikeryan @DaveLozo it’s weird how many people missed the dick. this is why you don’t sit on the sides! during the shower scene. pure dick.
Kate Erbland
@davidehrlich @mikeryan @DaveLozo I def saw NPH's dick
Does this make any of you sistren more excited for The Amy Dunne Story next weekend?