Originally posted by zach
Do you have a problem with people liking her album? It seems like that. r0bz_ was just stating their opinion. And IMO it is better than TFM. Who cares what sold better. The general public's opinion means nothing on someone elses.
First off, r0bz_ is a big boy and can speak for himself. I think.
Second, you completely missed my point. I'd appreciate it if you paid close attention to the meaning before you go off on a rant.
Yes, personal opinion is not a problem - I don't care what robz thinks. I had a problem with his stating that it is a FACT. Sorry, but it isn't a fact, no matter whether it sold millions or one copy, it's in the eye of the beholder. His opinion, not a fact.
Anyway, I'll be in SYG to debate this further.