Nothing against Katy or the album since I listened to it a lot when it came out but do you guys GENUINELY believe a Katy Perry album deserves an AOTY or that it was even considered as a serious winner in the first place?
Just look at the other AOTY winners, they were critically praised and considered 'serious music' or whatever. Teenage Dream would've stood out like a sore thumb among those other winners in the past. They would never give that award to an album like this.
Her stans should be grateful she even got a nom to begin with.
So, you consider "Shake It Off" or "New Romantics" serious music? Hmmmm
This is why Billboard will never count as a measure of musical quality. It's almost as unprofessional and biased as E!. What was even the need of posting such article?
Exactly! Billboard always predicts nominations and winners off of "Chart Success and Sales" and ATRL falls for it EVERYTIME
Although I may or may not agree with the Article, this logic, surprisingly, hasn't stopped other albums in the past.
See; Kelly Clarkson beating fun. for best Pop Vocal Album even though fun. was nominated for AOTY and Kelly wasn't.
And Fun lost AOTY You misunderstood his point usually when a AOTY nominee loses it gets "genre nomination" there chances for a AOTY win are very slim. Arcade Fire is the only act to lose its genre category (it lost to The Black Keys) and Acarde still won AOTY It has only happened once