Now I don't take unreal awards seriously but when I saw this pop off and made me feel a bit angry. However its alright anyways cause its useless I mean I know I'm straight, I know Reeces is straight, I know Fireman25 is straight though I don't know about Pedro. But I would usually attack ya and this situation but I won't because its already a joke anyways. Do I feel its another cheap shot against me? Hell yeah it's obvious. But I'll let ya'll waste your lifetime making fun of me while I move forward. To those who actually love me and want to get to the know the REAL me better. Send me messages and I'll get back to ya, I'm an open book, I'm not hiding anything. And if you don't understand that partna I'm done talking!
P.S. I ain't ya brotha partna!
Meltdown of the year
oh no.. i forgot bout soda kid