Originally posted by Maleficent
Her album went #1 and is multi-platinum in several different countries and has sold around 5,000,000 WW.
Plus, Summertime Sadness is a hit.
The Summertime Sadness
remix is her only hit, and nowhere near as big as CMM or Royals. Yes, she is able to sell albums, because the kind of music she makes attracts a hard-core fanbase that buys her albums. Her album sold well before anyone outside of the internet had even heard of her (when Summertime Sadness became a hit). The music Carly makes attracts a smaller group of hardcore fans, but probably a larger group of casual fans that downloaded her album and songs illegally.
Lorde makes music like Lana, that will attract a fanbase that will buy her album, and having her album out when Royals was smashing I would expect her to outsell Lana (but I have no idea how she's selling).