Since I'm not a fan of him, his non-existence wouldn't affect me anymore than his presence does. But he's obviously brought his mother a lot of joy into her life, so it is good thing that she chose to keep him as opposed to following the wishes of others. Though I kind of could understand why they may have encouraged her to abort since she was only 17 at the time. I'm not saying they were right to do it, but it's possible that her family just wanted the best for her and didn't think that she was at all prepared to raise a child on her own at such a young age.
Originally posted by Shaliydah88
I'm glad she didn't. I believe that every human (sans Hitler of course) should have a chance to live.
Hitler wasn't the only horrible human being on the planet. But knowing whether or not you're going to give birth to a future dictator is beside the point, every woman should have the right to choose to not go through an unwanted pregnancy.